Thursday, July 7, 2016


Last week, we went on a little vacation to Houston. I took a ton of pictures, but put together my favorites in this video:

Enjoy! :)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Week of June 12th

Summer is still in full force around here. We enjoy every minute! We've been spending time being silly at the local park... :) He is pretending to be Spider man in these pictures:

I got a great run in by the water:

Kent continues to have swim lessons and work hard! He loves them.

And he was so proud of his move here, that he gave himself two thumbs up!

After swim class one day, we went to Chickfila and Kent made a new friend!

We also spent a very hot day cooling off at the splash park.

 We went to see Finding Dory! I think Kent and I were equally excited for this movie. It was the best children's movie I have seen in a long time!

Lastly, we celebrated Father's Day on Saturday with my Dad and Chad. We made so many fun memories {Kent is "Mr. Napkin Head" here!} and ended the day with my heart feeling very full and blessed.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Summer is here...

 Finally! Summer is here! We kept a pretty busy schedule this first week of summer and we are loving every minute. We have so many fun plans!

At my work end of the year party, I won a gift card to the mall, so Sunday after church, we headed that way to spend it. Kent loves playing in the kid's area so he was a happy guy that we made that our first stop together! {With my gift card, I got a few tank tops for summer plus some really good smelling shampoo & conditioner. Score!}

On Monday, we had a quiet day - we got the oil changed in the car and then came home and caught up on some housework and watched a new movie we got from RedBox (Norm of the North)

On Tuesday, Kent started swim lessons for the summer! He LOVED it!

After swim class, we had a picnic lunch with this amazing view.

And when we got home, we were worn out and ready for a nap.

On Wednesday, we headed to our local pool for the "Little Tykes" swim time for kids 6 and under. Kent was super excited! We packed a lunch and spent a long time there. He is now big enough to do the "big slide" which was the best news ever to my five year old!

When we got home, we started the project of rearranging his room a bit. I started by cleaning out his large dresser which had all of his artwork from the past few years. I used freezer bags to sort and label them by years so we can add them to a special memory box for him {like my mom did for me.} It will be fun to look back on all of these little projects through the years!

On Thursday, we had swim class again. His confidence is already growing so much with his swimming - it's so fun to see!

And last night, I was exercising in our living room and Kent wanted to join. It was almost bed time so we decided to do something calm. I searched for yoga for kids and found this fun video. Kent loved it (and looked so cute doing it, I had to snap a pic.)

Did I mention we LOVE Summer? :)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hello, June..

June is finally here! I am so excited and welcome it with open arms. June means SUMMER has officially started! Here's what happened last week...

On the few days we had nice weather and no rain, I got some good runs in. The views are always amazing at Cole Park and the Marina!


Kent had his swim lesson test, and got all registered to start attending lessons twice a week! He had such a fun time in class with a new teacher and new students.

We had "Superhero Day" at our school where everyone, teachers and students got to wear a superhero costume. I was Superman and Kent was Iron Man. :) His teacher was an Incredible {pictured later in this post}!

We then officially said good-bye to Pre-K and his amazing teacher, Mrs. Aleman. Funny story: we ran into her as we were buying her gift and Kent told her all about what it was and why we were getting it for her. LOL. She was a good sport and loved it! (PS. It was a "Pioneer Woman" mason jar filled with candy and crystal light packets!)

Kindergarten, here we come!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Three Day Weekend Fun

We have been getting ready for summer around here. We made our own schedule together to keep our summer days fresh and exciting...

We still have one week left, but wanted to start some summer fun over this long weekend. At school, Kent's class had a splash day where they got to play with water balloons, and he absolutely loved it. We decided to celebrate our first {almost} summer weekend with some water balloon fun of our own.

Today, we went to church and after that, went to one of Kent's favorite places - glow in the dark mini golf. He absolutely loves golf and even though he makes up his own rules as he goes along, it's so much fun to play golf with him! :)

The rest of the weekend we plan to relax and catch up on cleaning, organizing, etc. We are thankful to have tomorrow (Monday) off before our last week of work/school. What are you all up to this weekend?

Friday, May 27, 2016

The last few days of May.

I love May! The weather is so beautiful and warm, and summer is right around the corner. Here's what we've been up to...

 Kent received awards for the End of the Year.
He received one for Achievement in Composition (Writing) and Technology!

Our school had a Summer Reading Kickoff event where everyone dressed up like a book character and participated in a parade. Kent was "Pete the Cat (at the Beach)" and I was "Camilla Cream" from A Bad Case of Stripes.

To celebrate Kent's awards and success all year, he was treated to this yummy cookie at Mommy's favorite spot... Starbucks.

And today, was his last "official" day of Pre-K.
We have a few students who come next week so he will still be coming with me, but today was his end of the year party and all of that fun stuff - so we took this picture today.

I can't believe how much he has grown AND learned in one year! He amazes me every day. I am so blessed and so thankful summer is right around the corner so we get to spend some extra time together.

Ah, sweet summertime! Five more working days!

Friday, May 20, 2016



It's been a while since I last blogged, but here I am! I decided it's time for a fresh start, a new blog, a place to keep memories of this wonderful life with my precious family:

Mother's Day, 2016

So, welcome aboard.
Here's to new beginnings and new memories!